

Cricklers are a new type of word puzzle. Cricklers become easier or harder depending on the skill
Latest version 1.00
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Crickler 1.00 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
76 KB
Review date
11 June 2004

Crickler is a highly innovative computer savvy crossword word puzzle.
Traditional crosswords and other puzzle games are difficult to construct and complicated to manage. You need a game which can adapt itself to become harder or easier depending on the performance of the player. The program has all the clues and answers prearranged. All you need to do is choose the clues. The computer itself fits the various clues together to form a puzzle. You need not select a clue which fits. Rather you choose any clue and it fits. This program handles all words, puzzles, symbols, lower and upper cases and accented letters correctly. Whenever you complete a clue correctly, you will hear a reassuring sound which signals a correct answer. It even lets you know which letters are vowels.
The Crickler is a re-invention of the traditional puzzle game for your recreation.